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Mark Moses

Mark Moses

Birthday: 24 February 1958, New York City, New York, USA
Height: 188 cm

Mark Moses was born in New York City and grew up in Evanston, Illinois. He played quarterback for his high school in Evanston, and went on to play another year at Ithaca College, in upstate New York, ...Show More

Mark Moses's FILMOGRAPHY - Page 3
as Actor (368)
Mark Moses Mark Moses'S roles
Coffee Shop Customer
Coffee Shop Customer

Lt. Erik Carlson
Lt. Erik Carlson

Midas Mulligan
Midas Mulligan

Henry Archer
Henry Archer


President Jeff Michener
President Jeff Michener

Joe Dobkins
Joe Dobkins

American Officer
American Officer

Tom Fuller
Tom Fuller

Hugh Keating
Hugh Keating

Lt. Wolfe
Lt. Wolfe

Dr. Larry Maxwell
Dr. Larry Maxwell

George Caplan
George Caplan

A.D.A. George McDougal
A.D.A. George McDougal

Michener, President Jeff Michener
Michener, President Jeff Michener


Fred Ross
Fred Ross

Col. Alden Cox
Col. Alden Cox

Jeffrey Forsythe
Jeffrey Forsythe

Attorney General Wyatt
Attorney General Wyatt

Duck Phillips
Duck Phillips


Montgomery Wittington
Montgomery Wittington

Jac Holzman
Jac Holzman

Paul Young
Paul Young

Donald Richter
Donald Richter
